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Old 01-23-2011, 05:09 PM
mjsiowa mjsiowa is offline
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mjsiowa's Fairy
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Acorn Summit
Posts: 2
My Mood: Clueless
mjsiowa has chosen their Fairy magic
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Thank you! I no longer feel so alone in being ditched in the wilderness.

About a week ago, I went on a wilderness quest with a fairy, we did all of our task except for one. She refused to use her fix talent, told me to "Leave", 'Get out", and I am friendly fairy and have not left anyone in mines like this. She refused to finish the challenge, and I do mean she refused. I asked her why and was told "I don't want to", thus not knowing what else to do, the third fairy and I left because of this.

I did try to speak with her about playing fair, not being rude or mean, but it did not work, she refused.

I understand new people can be nervous when in a group, or afraid they will fail and others will get mad, but to this day the above is only fairy I know who was actually mean to others.

Sorry this has been happening to others too.